Hatsukoi Monster First Impressions

Hatsukoi Monster is a perfect example of why you can’t judge a show without watching it. Everything about Hatsukoi Monster looked like it was going to be positively dreadful, from the stupid premise to the pv featuring nothing but untranslated voice acting over character art from the manga. In fact, Hatsukoi Monster was one of the few shows I considered leaving unwatched under the assumption that there was no way it wouldn’t be bad. But morbid curiosity kept pulling me back in. I figured there had to be something more to Hatsukoi Monster for it to have that premise and be popular enough to get an anime adaption and be licensed in English.

Guys, Hatsukoi Monster was so much fun. Firstly, the animation looked nice. The characters sometimes looked a bit wonky, which was unsurprising to me considering their ornate, very manga-ey designs, but I feel the show compensated with beautiful color choices and excellent composition.

Hatsukoi Monster ep01 00m44s cropped Continue reading “Hatsukoi Monster First Impressions”